POSTPONED: Feb. 24, 2025 Annual Meeting at Valentini's--"Northern Minnesota Historic Mine Tour". Our speaker, Megan Christianson is unable to make her presentation on Monday Feb. 24 due to illness. We will reschedule this event and contact all those who had pre-registered. Check this site for new date of the Annual Meeting!
Memberships are on sale now--get free admission and over $50 in coupons at local businesses. Membership levels are: Individual ($10), Guest ($20), Family or Business ($25) levels. Download the form here.
We look forward to seeing our guests climb aboard historic equipment used to mine the Mesabi Range's rich iron ore. Your experience will begin at the unique stone castle, completed in 1940. Browse the Museum Store, then tour the many displays spread across 13 acres of beautiful Museum grounds. Climb aboard mining trucks and trains, a steam shovel, or towering drills. Check out the underground mine replica, "Iron Range Life" and "From Ore to Steel" exhibits, America's first bus, and the old fire hose carts and fire engines!
To arrange a guided group tour, phone 218-254-2179 to check availability, then print the reservation form and mail it in.
Click Here for More information about the MN Museum of Mining
Thanks for your Support! November's Give to the Max Day brought in over $1100, and you may still donate anytime at GiveMN. Thanks to all who help support the museum!
​Donate anytime at www.givemn.org
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